
Why (and how) you should use Hugo’s new page bundles feature

Why you should use a netlify.toml file in your blogdown site

Why you should use Hugo archetypes in your blogdown site

Using the readr package to sidestep a common problem

Ridge Regression ridge regression, Tikhonov regularization (脊回归 岭回归 吉洪诺夫正则化) 共线性数据分析的有偏估计回归方法,实质上是一种改良的最小二乘估计法,通过放弃最小二乘法的无偏性,以

Screen Elite Manual and Tmux 创建命名会话(Creating Named Sessions) tmux new-session -s basic exit 分离和连接会话(Detaching and Attaching Sessions) 命 …

library(knitr) opts_chunk$set(fig.path=paste0("figure/", …