I’m a PhD Student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences majoring in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics who loves computer programming such as C(++), Java, Python and R, where I work to help labmate members learn and use programming to do better work in less time, with less friction, and (perhaps) more joy.
I love working with data scientists and statistician and Bio scientists who is skilled in quantitatice genetics across the spectrum- from beginners to advanced hackers- and particularly enjoy using software tools to create educational materials that enlighten and engage learners. Topics I teach range from python programming to machine learning. My teaching materials have been used by Student of Chung-Ang University, Seoul 06974, Korea, UCAS, Innovation Class@University of Beijing Forestry, and now IGDB Bailab Root Microbiome.
Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 2018 Fall
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Data Mining I, 2019 Spring
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Elements in Statistics, 2019 Spring
Time Series, 2019 Spring
Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning, 2019 Fall
Mathematical Statistics II, 2019 Fall